Skin and Mental Health
There is significant overlap between suffering from a skin and mental health condition. Whilst some of these situations may be coincidence, often times they are related. Poor skin can feed into stress and social isolation, resulting in increased skin difficulties - and vice versa...
For example, social isolation can be hard to label unless it's severe enough to impact your day-to-day life. There are other barriers to improved mental wellbeing, such as culture, stigma and personality. All of these can manifest into a situation where poor mental health actually creates its own barrier to addressing skin as a core problem.
There's no doubt - challenges to mental wellbeing are common in those with skin conditions and differences, but often this goes unaddressed - both by ourselves, and those treating our skin condition medically.
Being able to recognise and watch out for these things means that we can ask for help earlier when skin is really getting us down, preventing more severe difficulties with mental health.
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