A little disclaimer...
The Skinform Organisation is an educational resource for the public, patient and healthcare worker population to refer to in order to supplement medical treatment of skin-related conditions.
It is not intended as a provider of medical advice. Please remember that whilst we aim to provide you with the principles behind how various conditions are treated in the United Kingdom, these are not specific to the individual, and medical guidelines differ by country and practitioner.
Where there is nuance - for example when certain treatments are an unsuitable option for particular ages, skin tones and population groups such as in pregnancy - we make every effort to mention this, but we are not able to provide the level of nuanced, tailored, and therefore safe advice that an experienced doctor, specialist dermatology nurse or qualified aesthetician will be able to provide in a one-to-one consultation.
With that being said - we want to reassure the reader/listener/watcher that we use scientific evidence to back up any information that we provide, and that if we did not feel comfortable with the level of evidence for a certain medication, condition, or mental health-related exercise - you needn't worry about it misinforming people, because we could not publish it if this was the case.
Skinform is humbly a supplementary educational page in the metaphorical 'Skin, Self-love and Science' textbook - not the whole thing. It is recommended that anyone with a skin condition that is causing pain, feelings of anguish, and scarring - seek consult with a qualified practitioner, this being a General Practitioner (GP) at the first instance if you are based in the United Kingdom, and based on their advice and guidance, with a dermatologist if deemed necessary.

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