Welcome to Skinform

We are an independent medical education resource for people affected by skin conditions.

We aren't here to sell you anything or preach any weird hacks, tips or tricks. Just to provide quality, evidence-based information about skin and mental health.

Have a look around, and feel free to get in touch

Our Mission

Our aim is reaching audiences who may struggle with the medicalisation and/or fake news that you find online about this topic - Skinform's purpose is to spread information and awareness to the public about how skin works and how we can take care of our mental health when our skin gets us down.

We want to share the holistic medical principles behind how various dermatological conditions are treated, and how those treatments act on the skin - in a way that is easy to understand.

How did Skinform start?

The Skinform Instagram blog launched on 6th April 2022, posting about the microanatomy of the skin, spreading awareness about mental health and mindfulness for the skin, and interviewing people with skin differences.

What we see in the mirror is much more complex than just an image, and it is important that this is handled with compassion and recognition that can be lacking in interactions with the medical world today.